Turnaround Management
USES project managers work closely with you to plan and manage scheduled turnarounds (for equipment replacement/retooling, safety upgrades or other needs) for maximum safety, efficiency and productivity.
Industrial Services
- Unit Hydroblasting
- Cleaning Pad Management Services
- Automated Cleaning Equipment
- Liquid Vacuum Trucks Equipped With Emission Controls
- Detailed Planning, Management and Execution Process
Specialty Services
- Chemical Cleaning and Decontamination Services
- USES Modular Drain System
- Vapor Recovery and Degassing Services
- Comprehensive Planning, Mechanical and Execution Procedure Package
Planning & Management
- Planning and Engineering Services
- Execution Management Services
- Real-Time Performance Metrics
Chemical Cleaning & Decontamination
Maintenance, Operations, Turnarounds and New Construction. All of these require Chemical Cleaning and Decontamination. Specialized chemistries and chemicals are used to chemically clean equipment, systems, units and plants to optimize performance, minimize costs and downtime, create a safe work environment for personnel and comply with environmental permits.
Methodologies include reactive chemistry for circulations, steam chemical vapor phase for decontamination, fill and soak, and online cleaning techniques to minimize equipment downtime.